Attendance and Punctuality

Absence Line: 01233 623465Via EduLink - Absence Reporting

Good attendance and punctuality are vital if a pupil/student is to reach his/her full potential. Staff wants to work closely with parents/carers to ensure that pupils/students attend the Academy regularly.

What do I do if my child is ill?

You can report an absence by calling the academy, emailing the student absence mailbox or on EduLink giving a reason for your child's absence. Please notify us every day that your child is absent so that we know he/she is safe.

What do I do if my child needs a medical/dental/optical appointment?

We do advise that you make any routine appointments before or after Academy hours or during the Academy holidays. If this is not possible please call the Student Office or the Primary Absence Line to advise that your child will be late or will need to leave the Academy early.

What do I do if I want to take my child on holiday?

The Department for Education has issued written guidance to schools and academies to advise that requests for leave of absence should only be authorised in "exceptional circumstances". In general, holidays are NOT classed as "exceptional circumstances".

Parents requesting leave of absence should complete a Leave of Absence Request Form available from the Primary Office or Student Office. This should be returned with a supporting letter.

What do I do if my child needs to take time off for personal/family issues?

You can call the Student Service team who will direct your call to the most appropriate member of staff. Our Chaplain and/or a Year Leader may also make a home visit to discuss any issues that your child may be experiencing in the Academy.

What happens if my child does not attend the Academy regularly?

Any of the following can happen:

  • Primary - Parent invited to a meeting with Head of Primary
  • Secondary - Attendance plan written by the Academy staff and Secondary student.
  • Secondary - Meeting with parent, Secondary student, Year Leader and/or member of the Senior Leadership Team.  If no improvement:
  • Referral to the Education Welfare Officer
  • Penalty notice issued (you will have to pay a fine of £80, £160 if not paid by 21 days)
  • Prosecution

As a parent, you are responsible for making sure that your child attends the Academy every day. It is very important that you make Student Office aware if your child is going to be absent. If you are experiencing any difficulties with getting your child to the Academy please do not hesitate to contact us. Your child is entitled to
an education and by working together we can make sure that they are reaching their full potential by attending the Academy every day.

Please note:

If your child misses 5 days a term every year of their Academy life this is the same as missing a whole year
of education.